Hi Ladies!
First, welcome the new Elves and thank you so much for your generosity. It's truly appreciated. Whatever you feel you can send will help this little project continue to grow. I'm sure we all know it will not go un-noticed by the men. Thanks to Paulette and Jan for your very successful recruiting campaign ; )
Our goal is to have everything arrive at Brenda's (The CMDR) by Dec 1st, for distribution on the 2nd. Please don't worry if you can't manage that, as Brenda works at the VAMC, your contribution will get to it's final destination during the holiday season.
At this point I think we'll have those stockings pretty stuffed, so please don't feel you have to send 60 identical items...of course, if you do, we'll just have to stuff a little more ; ) Our focus seems to be shifting to items that can be considered group gifts. Here are the items we're still in need of, so just go ahead and pick whatever suits you.
Postage stamps, Walmart/Target/Phone cards, Model kits - military theme/cars/Harley's/etc. Magnets, magnetic notebooks, magnetic clips, Sharpie markers of all sizes and color, Sticky notes of all sizes and color, Books or Magazines, Christmas cards/Holiday greetings letting them know how much you appreciate their service.
If you're comfortable with it, please consider including a note with a little something about yourself, such as what part of the country you're from, your interests, family, career, exploits (heehee.) I have a feeling these guys are going to be a bit overwhelmed and very moved. It would be nice if they had a little something to help them identify with all the Elves who can't be there, but are carrying them in their hearts and have helped to make this happen.
As usual, the updates will be on the top & bottom of the page @ www.brigadesitrep.blogspot.com. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!
~ ~ Fa-la-la, Fa-la-la, La-la-lahhhhhhh : ) ~~